Хочется ли вам, чтобы кожа на ваших руках была мягкой, нежной и бархатистой? Косметологи советуют использовать удобное средство для защиты рук, – резиновые хозяйственные перчатки. В них просто необходимо работать, всякий раз, когда вы соприкасаетесь с водой и различными химическими средствами. Перед тем как надеть перчатки, руки тщательно помойте, высушите и слегка покройте тальком. После окончания домашней работы, сняв перчатки, обязательно вымойте руки в теплой воде, высушите и вотрите крем для рук.
Систематическое применение кремов делает кожу мягкой и упругой. Применять их желательно после каждого мытья рук и обязательно на ночь. Мыть руки следует только в теплой воде с применением мягкого мыла. Крем в кожу рук втирают движениями, напоминающими натягивание перчаток. Сначала от кончиков пальцев к их основанию, а затем по тыльной стороне ладони к запястью, крем втирают в кожу поочередно, то одной, то другой рукой.
- Если кожа рук стала грубой, сухой и потрескалась, вам помогут масляные обертывания. Руки вымойте теплой водой, заверните в салфетки, смоченные в теплом растительном масле, и наденьте сверху теплые варежки. Варежки могут быть хлопчатобумажные, шерстяные, но не синтетические. Через 1-1,5 часа снимите обертывание, остатки масла вотрите в кожу, а затем вытрите руки бумажной или фланелевой салфеткой. Мыть руки водой после этой процедуры не нужно.
- Морщинистая кожа рук станет эластичной и мягкой, если в нее втереть на ночь смесь из яичного желтка и одной столовой ложки меда.
- Хорошо смягчает кожу рук отвар ромашки, шалфея, липового цвета. В миску налейте горячий отвар, погрузите в него руки на 10-15 минут, затем высушите их мягкой салфеткой или полотенцем и вотрите в кожу жирный питательный крем. В этих же целях очень полезен отвар сельдерея (корень средней величины отварите в 1 л воды в течение 30 мин).
- Действенным средством является и картофельный крахмал. Заварите клейстер из расчета 1 чайная ложка крахмала на стакан горячей воды, а затем разбавьте его теплой водой до 1 л.
- Для придания мягкости рукам, подойдет ванночка из нашатырного спирта с глицерином. На 2 л теплой воды добавьте столовую ложку глицерина и чайную ложку нашатырного спирта.
- Хорошо смягчает кожу рук отвар, в которой варилась картошка, а также если натереть руки кусочком свежего огурца.
- Если руки обветрились, полезно сделать маску из картофеля. Возьмите 2 сваренные «в мундире» картофелины, разотрите их с двумя чайными ложками огуречного или лимонного сока. Теплую массу толстым слоем наложите на руки и накройте целлофаном. Через 15-20 минут смойте водой и вотрите в кожу питательный крем.
- При повышенной потливости рук помогает настой коры белой ивы (ветлы). Возьмите 2 чайные ложки измельченной в порошок коры и залейте 4 стаканами кипятка, настаивайте 15-20 минут, потом процедите, остудите и сделайте теплую ванночку. Для этой же цели можно использовать отвар коры дуба. 50 г хорошо измельченной коры залейте 1 л горячей воды и кипятите в течение 30 минут, затем процедите и добавьте воду до получения цвета темного пива. После ванночки насухо вытрите руки и припудрите их смесью из равных частей талька и борной кислоты.
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Vans has another entry into the all-important category of white summer sneakers with the new “Square Ones” collection created in collaboration with DQM. The group is on its way soon, with a release date set for August 7th and a distribution that will include The Vans DQM General in SoHo, New York and The Vans DQM General on Newbury St. in Boston, MA. The van for sale set is very focused on filling the basics role and we’d say it achieves that with the blank slate blocking. Take a look at all three after the break and let us know in the comments if you’ll be picking them up from DQM.Vans prepares for the cooler months ahead with vans for cheap the “Leather and Wool” pack for Fall 2015. Featuring the classic Era and Old Skool silhouettes, each shoe receives a refined and autumn-appropriate makeover in a blend of premium leather and wool builds. Both the Era and Old Skool also include added tan leather pull tabs and interior linings to emphasize the vans uk premium remodel. The Era is presented in two colorways of forest green or pewter leather paired with black wool, while the Old Skool comes in the same black wool base with red, blue, or vans authentic all-black leather accents. The “Leather and Wool” collection is available now at select Vans retailers everywhere.A pair of classic Vans has been a Summer staple for the past few decades, but this coming Fall, Vans LXVI has something else up their respective sleeves. The skate brand will be reinventing the famous sneakers we know and love, but plans on reinventing silhouettes like the Vans Authentic, Old Skool, and Sk8-Hi thanks to advancements like ActionFit and an UltraCush sole unit used vans for sale that keeps the aesthetics the same but gives each pair a much lighter build. Be on the lookout for this collection now at select Vans retailers and the likes of Foot Locker, and get a look at the entire collection below.Another pair of black and white sneakers? Not so much, although vans shoes we won’t blame you if you thought that that was the case for this new Vans release when you first got a look at them. The Vans Sk8 Hi Slim Zip actually has some graphics going on in the lining, hence the “Snow Leopard” nickname (And there’s also some red slipped in http://www.vansshoesoutletforsale.com via the standard Off the Wall branding). Check out some more angles for this Vans release with us after the break and watch for the word on when you can find them at retailers here in the US.Fans of previous collaborations from Vans Vault and WTAPS were surely not disappointed when vans outlet they saw what was being offered up for this fall’s collection. If you’re among those fans, you won’t want to forget that the full collab set including new takes on the Sk8-Hi, Era, and Old Skool drops this weekend at Vans Vault stockists worldwide. Within the collection you’ll first find the Sk8-Hi vans for sale with WTAPS paying their respects to the original Vans Caballero from 1989 with reptile embossed suede and throwback colorways. Next you’ll find the OG Era LX with colorways inspired by the traditional Japanese school uniform system with green, red, or blue soles atop a contrasting all-white upper. Finishing the impressive set is vans store the Old Skool in three tonal suede colorways of burgundy, navy, and black. The WTAPS x Vans Fall 2015 collection will be available at Vans Vault stockists like Wish ATL tomorrow, September 12th.Another season, another Vans Vault x Taka Hayashi campaign. Summer saw a couple of Sk8-His and Eras equipped with van store a “Sea Life” motif, one that featured pastelle colors and a playful seashell print, but this time around the famed designer takes inspiration from the premium huarache crafting of textured leather. Of course we’re not talking about a Nike inspiration here. Instead, the likes of the Vans Mid Skool, Vans Era LX, vans shoes sale and Vans Sk8 Hi receive luxurious makeovers in patterned leather throughout, whether it be a checkerboard print on the Sk8-Hi and Era, or a quilted nature on the Mid School. Sick with us after the break for a full rundown and know that each style will be available come October at select cheap vans Vans retailers.
Once the air turns crisp, everyone gets excited to pull out their old fall favorites (or stock up on new fall favorites), and apparently this sort of seasonal nostalgia extends to Céline bags. Just think, in mere months our photo service will be awash in bare-legged, sandal-wearing celebrities in the snow. As we have foretold, this is a Céline-heavy celeb bag round-up, but we do have celine fashion a smattering of hot new bags to eyeball, courtesy of Amal Clooney, Kate Upton and Jaimie Alexander.Here's Amal Clooney, heading to a press conference in London about political unrest in the Maldives. She's carrying an attractive black leather Dolce & Gabbana Last Minute Bag, which is not yet available to individuals not actively celine designer pursuing justice for an unlawfully jailed former president of the Maldives. SORRY.The rest of Jessica's outfit is also appropriately old school - those gaudy prints of the late 1980s/early 1990s do pair especially well with black minis, tights and knee-high boots. (Though I can't say I'm happy that someone is trying to celine bring gaudy grandma prints back into fashion.) Jessica is pretty adventurous with her handbag choices - you can peep at the majority of her collection in "The Many Bags of Jessica Alba" and "The Many Bags of Jessica Alba, Part Two".Phoebe Philo is a force to be reckoned with in the accessories celine store nyc world. Philo was at Chloe when the brand was driving the world crazy with the omnipresent Paddington and Silverado bags, and now she’s at Celine, making fashion people everywhere lose their minds over Luggage Totes, Classic Box Bags and Trapeze Satchels. She may not design the bags herself, but Philo has a way celine bag of bringing out the best in her accessories staff and capturing the attention of bag lovers everywhere. Wherever she goes, great bags follow.Because these photos appear to include several versions of the Celine Phantom Luggage Tote that’s being introduced for Pre-Fall 2011, we’re inclined to agree with that assessment of these shots, celine paris although they probably shouldn’t be considered comprehensive. Take a look at the larger shots after the jump and let us know which bags will be on your wishlist.Even more perfection celine handbags is this exact rendition of it. LEOPARD. See all of the caps lock in this post? Caps lock tend to mean one of two things: anger or excitement. This is full-on excitement here. Leopard is the animal print not only we are lusting after but also the fashion world is lusting after right now. Putting it together with black box leather is the perfect mix of subtle and vivacious. I really can’t even begin explain to you all how much I celine luggage adore this bag. The only thing hindering me from buying it is the price. I talk about expensive designer handbags all day and have spent plenty on bags myself, but when we get over the mid-$2k range I always tend to spend more time considering the purchase and feel a bit of trepidation. celine bags The price of this glorious Celine bag is $4,050. But it is $4,050 of perfection. Contact Celine for more info.I have a relative that only wears Celine bags. No joke. But I can hardly imagine her slinging this Celine Tribute to Charley Harper Cut Out Tote over her shoulder. It’s so different celine shop than most of Celine’s bags: nice leather that’s not too soft, boxy shape, squat handles.I like it, but I’m always attracted to cutesy things- no one can say that this little bird on the front is not cute. However, I would never actually wear it. But there is no denying its cuteness. I http://www.celineparisstoreoutlet.com think this does a good job as a tribute to the late modernist artist Charley Harper, though if it was up to me I’d like to see something a little less front and center- combined with a cute lining that featured his prints. Nevertheless, the bird face fits the artist’s style to a celine nyc T.