Именно Любовь и Внимание — два сильнейших оружия против любой болезни, любых недостатков, любых негативных энергий, любых внутренних обид, страхов и зажимов... поэтому, несмотря ни на что, любите, радуйте и уважайте друг друга, а также дарите свое тепло и внимание...
Вот некоторые советы, которые помогут вам быть оригинальным, а также привести своего партнера в восторг и восхищение:
1. Напишите «Я люблю тебя» пальчиком на зеркале в ванной, пока он(она) принимает душ.
2. Предложите ему(ей) массаж спины с хорошо пахнущим лосьоном.
3. Напишите для него(неё) любовное стихотворение.
4. Произнесите как в кино, с чувством: “Я люблю тебя, (имя партнера)!” Но это должно быть произнесено очень эмоционально!
5. Сделайте компакт-диск с несколькими песнями, которые очень значимы для ваших отношений.
6. Заберите её с работы на обед и сводите в какой-нибудь хороший ресторанчик (для мужчин).
7. Оставьте небольшой подарок на подушке в виде шоколада и напишите записку: «Твоя любовь, как шоколад. Сладкая и вкусная»
8. Отсылайте партнерше цветы и записки на работу.
9. Закажите для неё(него) песню на радио и пошлите сообщение когда она(он) сможет её услышать.
10. Приготовьте романтический ужин из любимых продуктов партнера, приглушите свет и включите красивую музыку.
11. Отправьте текстовое сообщение на электронную почту с признанием в любви.
12. Оставьте любовную записку на своей машине с обещанием того, что у неё будет сегодня счастливый день.
13. Вырежьте её и свои инициалы на дереве.
14. Когда ваш партнер меньше всего ожидает этого, подарите ему большущий поцелуй, можно даже на публике.
15. Сходите в кинотеатр на романтический фильм. Сядьте на заднем ряду, держитесь за руки, обнимайтесь и целуйтесь.
16. Принесите любимой завтрак в постель.
17. Купите дерево и пригласите партнера посадить его. Объясните, что это дерево представляет собой вашу любовь, которая будет расти на протяжении многих лет.
18. В самый разгар разговоров о делах прервать её(его) и сказать: «У меня есть что-то важное сказать. Я люблю тебя!» Затем поцелуйте её(его) и скажите: «Итак, мы говорили о водонагревателе».
19. Написать старомодное любовное письмо и отправить его по почте.
20. Найдите отель, в котором есть джакузи и забронируйте его на одну ночь отдыха.
21. Разместите в газете объявление о вашей любви.
22. Сделайте ей сюрприз. С завязанными глазами отведите её к месту где вы впервые встретились.
23. Скажите партнеру, как вы счастливы разделить свою жизнь с ней(ним).
24. Если ваш партнер собирается в командировку, тайно положите любовную записку к ней(нему) в багаж.
25. Предложите партнерше помощь в рутинной ежедневной работе по дому.
26. Делайте спонтанные подарки.
27. Назовите какое-нибудь блюдо, которое вы любите, её(его) именем.
28. Сделайте боди-арт в виде любовного послания на вашем теле.
29. Храните коробку с сувенирами из забавных вещей, которые вы сделали вместе.
30. Храните письма, фотографии и другие памятные подарки. На День Святого Валентина или ваш юбилей вы можете их посмотреть и поделиться своими совместными воспоминаниями.
31. Совершите прогулку на пляж вместе. Бегите вперед и напишите сообщение на песке, а затем скажите партнеру пусть найдет эту запись.
32. Говорите «Я тебя люблю» часто, медленно и с чувством.
33. Бездельничайте вместе. Вы упорно трудитесь, так что сегодня можно вместе повеселиться.
34. Написать маленькие «Я тебя люблю» мелками, маркерами, красками, чем угодно. Оставьте надписи в неожиданных местах: в ванной, туалете, автомобиле, под подушкой.
35. Интересуйтесь увлечениями вашего партнера. Попробуйте разделить с ним его увлечения. Делайте это с духом энтузиазма и любви.
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Also, these alternate UGGs are less expensive and, in my opinion, not http://www.cheapuggsbootsoutletonsalestore.com as UGG(ly) as the played out boot.Rubber Duck Snowjoggers in Olive, $80. These come in many more colors and are old school cool. And, did I mention Sienna Miller and Katherine Heigl sport these?Front Lace Hardsole Suede Fringe Boot, $70.95. My personal favorite, these come in cheap ugg more colors and are so chic with long leggings and a tunic sweater.Nine West Melba, on sale for $49.99 (originally $99). I think these are a nice mix of the above two styles.Ugg follows in the footsteps of Juicy Couture, Jimmy Choo, Marc Jacobs and ugg boots sale True Religion, to name a few of the high-end brands that have landed recently in Chicago's trendiest neighborhoods."We believe the opportunity exists for Ugg stores in many of the major metropolitan cities around the world, and we're committed to expanding this growing segment of our business," ugg boots uk said Angel Martinez, president and chief executive of Goleta, Calif.-based Deckers Outdoor Corp. during an earnings conference call with analysts in July.” Design details are under wraps, but we do know the small five-piece Ugg and Jimmy Choo line will feature the brand's popular sheepskin Uggs For Women boot "with design details that embody the spirit of the Jimmy Choo brand." The collection launches in October and will retail from $595 to $795. Curious?We thought we'd seen everything when it came to types of wedding-related goods, but apparently not! For Winter brides looking to cheap ugg boots stay cozy on their big day, Ugg Australia has released a wedding collection. We never thought we'd see wedding Uggs, but then again, we were also surprised to see wedding Toms. But as weird as the sheepskin bridal shoes may seem, they are far from the ugg sale strangest wedding product out there. With toilet paper or beer koozies, companies have gotten very creative with their wedding paraphernalia. Check out these offbeat gifts, decorations, and accessories and tell us: do you find them funny and festive, or just plain tacky? Weigh in now!I've always Ugg Sale loved pajama parties. There's something about cozy company, popcorn, and a scary movie that will always bring a wave of nostalgia. Now that I'm (cough) older, the soda might be replaced with champagne, but don't expect us to behave. Help me find a outfit that will ugg outlet take me back in time. Pillow fight, anyone?OK, the baby Uggs can stay.Just because you don't wear Uggs or have an apple-picking date planned doesn't mean you're off the hook. You may be a Basic Beauty B*tch — and not even know it yet! For Ugg Boots Sale those who haven't been paying attention to the recently coined phrase that's winning the Internet right now, a Basic B*tch is defined as an extra-regular female. And just like there are subcultures of people, there are divisions within the Basic B*tch community — one of them Ugg Australia being the Basic Beauty B*tch. Not sure if you're guilty? Read on (at your own risk!) to discover 25 signs that make you an average Jane.Sheepskin footwear is: A. Gorgeous. B. Hideous. C. Comfortable. D. Clunky or E. A national uniform.At the very least, you should ugg boots women have selected "E," but the answer probably doesn't matter. The fur-lined boots everyone seems to be wearing are a fashion phenomenon that shows no signs of abating.The king of the hill -- Ugg Australia -- hit the U.S. market like a sledgehammer, and sales started to Ugg Moccasins soar around the turn of the millennium, defying all odds for what should have been just another fad. Instead, in the third quarter of 2009, the company sold more than $212 million in products. Surely, the word "Ugg" was printed on many a gift box this Ugg Boots On Sale holiday season.Shop more of our favorite boots. Take a peek at our guides to the best winter gloves and the best heavy scarves. Join our e-mail list for exclusive updates.It’s really freakin’ cold out and it’s only getting worse. Since we won’t be feeling the Ugg Outlet sun anytime soon, there’s no reason to let your hands suffer. You’re going to want to grab some heavy lotion and a warm pair of gloves to get you through this season. But there’s no reason to sacrifice style for warmth – check out these awesome Uggs Outlet gloves that are as cozy as they are cute:Love the look for yourself? Shop similar picks (and the exact same shoes!) below.Shop clockwise from top left: House of Harlow Evil Eye necklace ($64, originally $85), Velvet sweater ($257, originally $366), Frame Denim jeans ($185), Ugg Ugg Boots Lattice Cardy boots ($160), Joelle Hawkens Citizen tote ($26
Expanding on the success of their shoe collection, UGG Australia has just enlisted Los Angeles-based Rozae Nichols to design an outwear collection. Rozae is very excited about the collaboration stating, "I was very attracted to the project. I Uggs On Sale like leathers and shearlings. They're very interesting materials to work with."
New Balance drops another neon ’90s-inspired look for the 530, with this colorway in black, hot red and grey. Calling to mind an iconic 90s color scheme, the “Hot Lava” Nike Air Tech Challenge, the mix of hues is new balance sneakers right at home on this fellow early 90s silhouette. The 530 features a grey mesh base with black and white synthetic overlays, then finished with bright pops of the vibrant red hue. Easily one of the best new looks for the 530 yet, these are arriving at select new balance trainers New Balance retailers like Premier right now.New Balance brings its iconic 996 model as well as the 660 silhouette to the sport of cycling with some revamped construction fit for the activity. The reinforced forefoot and harder density rubber sole prevent foot flexion over the pedal in new balance outlet an effort to maximize stability and consistency during motion. In addition to the lighter construction, New Balance delivers an awesome detail with the bike reflector new balance shoe N logo (replacing the traditional reflector material). Look out for New Balance’s latest C-Series offerings at select retailers worldwide on January 22nd and enjoy the detailed gallery below.Ladies, say aloha to a new set of New Balances ready for your vacation sneaker needs. A Hawaiian vacation, specifically, with the 574 in three tropical colorways within the “Luau” pack. Each in a textile upper with floral inner lining, take your pick of grey with navy new balance store and orange accents, aqua with navy and lime accents, or black with light blue and plum details. Each colorway also features a clear outsole representing the fresh ocean surf of Hawaii. Pairs of the New Balance 574 “Luau” collection can be found now at select New Balance retailers new balance running shoes like Feature.For every successful crime investigation that is an open and shut case, there’s an unsolved mystery that leaves the detectives as well as the families of the victims with a sea of unanswerable questions. Sneaker Politics is paying tribute to all of those resilient individuals on new balance shoes the side of the law that spend tireless days, months, and even years trying to crack these cases, but to no avail. Better yet, with Sneaker Politics being situated in the state of Louisiana, there’s a great chance that these shoes are strongly inspired by one of television’s new balance 993 most talked-about shoes – True Detective. The colors and materials – the deep navy, the paisley print on the tongue, and the brown leather accents – are all tributes to the unique style of dress that these sleuths maintain during these times of mental duress. Sneaker Politics definitely new balance 574 hits it on the mark with their first ever 999 collaboration, so peep the “Case 999” below and cop these on Saturday, September 26th at an MSRP of $160. A global release will follow on October 10th.Still a pretty fresh addition to the New Balance retro runner minimus new balance line, the 530 shines with this latest three-colorway collection featuring clean and simple suede builds. The coinciding colorways all feature a solid-hued perforated and solid suede along with leather paneling in navy blue, grey, or red, each accented with off-white midsoles and detailing above the gum rubber sole. new balance 996 The best news: these premium 530s are priced at only $100 each. Grab a pair while they last as they arrive at select New Balance retailers like Rise right now.Go on a nautical journey with this latest pair of the New Balance 670 made across the pond zapatillas new balance at the New Balance Flimby factory in “Sea Blue”. The refreshing blue shade covers the suede and mesh upper of the classic runner, accented with navy blue and white accents. Like every pair of Made in England NB’s, you can expect the utmost quality and comfort from this new balance pair of the 670s, along with plenty of style, of course. You can look for them now at select New Balance retailers worldwide.
If you’d like to skip that and merely shell out the back-breaking price for a piece that no one else will have, you might want to get in contact with Gucci’s Seoul flagship store. Gucci recently revamped the location, and to celebrate, the brand launched both the Gucci Bamboo Crocodile Satchel above, a one-off piece gucci sale priced at approximately $23,000 US, and a special line of Flora bags and accessories featuring the national flower of Korea, the Mukunghwa. Check out some of those pieces after the jump!gucci usa />What was perhaps even more interesting than the colors or materials were the shapes that they took. Gucci is the latest brand to embrace the so-called “lady scale” bag, and most of the runway options were sized for essentials only. If you’re a woman who needs to carry her whole life in her handbag, though, fret not; Gucci showed several larger New Jackie shoulder bags as well.I don’t know what a “snaffle” is, but if the Gucci Snaffle Bit Small Leather Shoulder Bag is any gucci indication, I like it. This shoulder bag capitalizes on the tropical embellishments from Gucci’s Spring 2011 runway show and adds a shot of bright color to create one of the season’s best casual bags yetI remember an era in my life where yellow gold was so out of style. No one wanted to wear yellow gucci outlet gold and it became associated with gaudiness, but right now yellow gold is taking center stage once again and I’m thrilled about it.Today’s perfect pair is all about two things that are both a girl’s best friend, jewelry and designer handbags. If I received both of these items together, well, I’d have to call them a gucci shoes on sale perfect match.Be sure to tune in next week for beautiful images, insightful history, and some special touches you won’t want to miss.Here's RuPaul in Beverly Hills, sans his famous drag trappings, pairing a Gucci Logo Print Tote Bag with a fab pink two button suit and white sandals. We're unsure as to whether this specific gucci chicago bag is a men's or women's style (judging by its size, I'm leaning towards the latter), but we doubt Ru is overly concerned either way. Gucci tends to have some of the most unisex-looking bags on the market for men. Ladies and lads alike can shop all things Gucci via Net-a-Porter.My only real criticism of gucci store the design is that I wish perhaps more had been done with the chain – a piece of leather where the bag will sit on the shoulder is always an appreciated nod toward utilitarian comfort, but I imagine that this bag was meant to be worn atop a layer or two of cold-weather clothing anyway, making gucci outlet locations that detail less important. The olive color works beautifully with the gold hardware, and sub-$1000 leather Gucci bags aren’t easy to find as of late. This one might be small, but don’t underestimate its style. Buy through Saks for $760.With that selection, there's an option for everyone, and perhaps most importantly, the price point is gucci outlet online great. The bags range from $1,150 for the clutch to $2,350 for the largest tote.